
Working on the Software

A project log for RPi Zero WiFi-Enabled Hardware Password Manager

Codename Hardpass: A Password Manager on the Raspberry Pi Zero...suffering featuritis.

girgir 02/10/2016 at 16:440 Comments

I won't get my OLED and ESP until March 11th.

So I started to work on the algo to send keystrokes to the host. I decided to code in C, since not a lot of string manipulations need to be done and I am quite used to it.

The program currently titled `scan` takes in the device file (/dev/hidg0), the keyboard layout (integer) and a string, which shall be 'translated' into USB-HID scancodes.

 $ sudo ./scan /dev/hidg0 2 "ThisIsMyPassword"

will type ThisIsMyPassword with keyboard layout 2 (de_AT, with dead keys)

They are documented on the website of the USB Consortium at (page 53 to 59). As I am using three keyboard layouts on different machines (de_AT, de_AT-nodeadkeys and en_US) I have to translate not only ASCII-characters into one pair of key- and modifier-code, but also some UTF-8 encoded ones, which are not available on en_US (e. g. öäüÖÄÜ߀).

I still have to set up a git project for my code - that will likely happen later this week.
