
Final Log

A project log for SportTrax

A Pi-powered sports tracking device using a GPS Module, that allows a user to see their journey on a touch display.

sammy-herringSammy Herring 02/24/2016 at 00:120 Comments

Dear all,

Hope you are well,

Recently I have had then wonderful pleasure of concluding the 'SportTrax' project. Now I have the opportunity to move on to my next development of a NFC security management system over the next few weeks.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank this communities support with the SportTrax project and I look forward to seeing even more projects revealed on the Pi Zero Contest page. It would be wrong not to mention the considerable work put in by LadyAda and mention how inspiring her video series truly was. I started this project being a novice when it came to electronics, relatively to the genius minds on HackADay I still am, but I can say for certain that it has been a brilliant journey. Most notably, I must say that I have been inspired with the concept of producing my own Pi Hat and using the Pi Zero as a USB Gadget, I look forward, once available to have a 'proper' play with one of these amazing devices,

Many Thanks,

