

A project log for 8 Leaf Pi Zero Bramble

Modular design, small footprint Pi Zero Supercomputer

txdomsktxdo.msk 02/12/2016 at 03:282 Comments

So, I finally got bitten by the Shenzen Bug. I had ordered a bunch of OTG ethernet dongles and they turned out to be junk. I'm just going to harvest the usb connectors and make OTG extenders and maybe desolder the ethernet jacks.

So, it looks like I'm just going to have to hit a basic concept here and use wifi on my leaves: not ideal, I know. But I'll have something to show!! ;-)

I still say slot loaders will work. I think my proof-of-concept will be the power distribution to each leaf...

The 3D printer is humming along. Mostly. I'm in my 3rd attempt on the second side wall. FRUSTRATING! Getting close to the end of the PLA spool! Stupid unflashable DRM printer...

Lastly, 2 things: I think I can shave another 2 mm off the fence where the pi zero will rest length-wise, and I need to design a decent, basic cap to snap on over the fence. Should help make this an almost completely tool-less design (not counting glue for the rails and walls)


txdo.msk wrote 02/13/2016 at 00:49 point

that'll be something for later.  Good ideas though.  Right now, I just want a proof-of-concept for a solid project base.

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ajlitt wrote 02/12/2016 at 20:15 point

If you're going down the WiFi route, why not use a USB hub and Linux USB gadget networking support to tie them together via a head node?

Yes, USB has timeslots so node-node throughput isn't that great, but I don't know if it would be any better with USB Ethernet and a switch.  Certainly it's no worse than WiFi, and at least not affected by interference.

One advantage to using this method is that the Zeros could be set up to USB boot U-Boot instead of loading it off the microSD.  That would let you deploy a new Linux distro to the cards on demand from the head node rather than having to write them by hand.

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