
Well that was highly successful

A project log for Steve Jobs Was The Best Engineer Ever

...and Apple was founded on April 1st, 1976

benchoffBenchoff 04/03/2016 at 18:430 Comments

Here's a link to the April Fool's Day post.

Some perspective for how successful this was: A few thousand hits from reddit and hackernews, tens of thousands from Google News, I know Tim Cook reads hackaday now, and substantially more successful than I would have imagined.

On February 29th, Raspberry Pi launched the Raspberry Pi 3. The announcement post for this board was the most popular for the entire month of February and March. That's understandable; new hardware for a popular device. On April 1st, the Apple Device post got one and a half times the number of views as the Raspi 3 launch post.

A lot of people want it.

As I was writing the Apple Device post, I started thinking, 'man, this is an awfully cool little board. I'd pay $50 for this.' Judging from the comments, a lot of other people would, too.

Here's a reminder that you too can build one of these boards:
