
rev0 now being manufactured

A project log for Overclocking Telemetry Shield for Arduino/Genuino

Temperature and voltage measurement board for overclocking competitions

gergely-imrehGergely Imreh 03/02/2016 at 13:130 Comments

Sent "rev0" to manufacturing yesterday with Seeed Studio's Fusion PCB service, and placed the order for the passive components, mainly on Mouser, but needed one piece from RS Components. Within 24h the board is now in processing and the parts have been shipped, so soon this should not be a Gimp mock-up, but a reality:

Though, to be fair, I should try to do the modeling of the missing components (the voltage probe sockets, the thermocouple piece, and the missing Maxim ICs (U2 and U3). Looked into that in KiCad, and that's the only part I didn't yet dare to do (the 3D models). But that will have to come soon enough.

Now waiting for the part delivery, the PCB will be the slowest (especially if I don't want to pay more for the shipping than for the actual manufacturing of this 10pc prototyping run).
