
Simple pulse generator for stepper driver

A project log for Workshop stuff

Metalworking, Repairs, Tools and Tinkering

martijnMartijn 02/22/2016 at 22:320 Comments

I haven't really done much for my Infinity Cube project the last months. I do not consider it finished but I've been busy or distracted with all sorts of stuff. One of the problems is there is too much play in the gears, which make a rattling sound when turning. But if I want to test it with it's own hardware I have to assemble it, and then I can't work on it.

So I decided to make a small pulse generator to control the stepper motor. I also have a new driver which should be able to handle the maximum current for the motor I have (I'm not sure if my stepsticks can handle it).

I do not consider this a part of that project, because I don't know if I'm going to use this board in it. I made the controller for this driver specifically, but it's always handy to have one of these lying around. It's a relative simple board, which I 'improvised' on a prototyping print. It's a basic atmega88 design, not unlike an arduino I think. The big difference is in the software, I'm used to programming AVRs in assembly. I based the schematics on the finished board ;)

I uploaded the Atmel Studio 7 and the schematics and KiCad 4.01 project files to github, but I'm not used to that yet, so I hope it went OK:

It is usable, feel free to use this.

It's one of those project that only has to function, no fancy enclosure:
