
Esperanza EA135B 4-port USB 2.0

A project log for Small USB hubs

Some examples of smallest USB hubs suitable for embedding - help me add more!

aryaArya 02/19/2016 at 23:170 Comments

This one has a tad bigger PCB, but shares the same connector layout as the Sweex US012 one, so all the pros and cons apply. It even has the same type of USB plug as Sweex one. It looks like this:
Tested with raspberry Pi, worked. The board has nothing to cut from it, though, so you can't make it smaller than it is. It's based on FET1.1s, which seems to be quite popular nowadays.

On the photo it's shown embedded in one device I'm developing for a friend, proving 2 external USB ports for the devices that he'll connect to a AR9331 board which only has one port. It seems to be stable, too - I'll edit this log after some testing.
