
The Daddy

morningstarMorning.Star wrote 10/29/2017 at 11:54 • 2 min read • Like
Every now and then one of my friends will come up with an idea that blows me away. This is one of them...

George S is a real dude, he's lived a long and interesting life and now he's retired his thoughts have turned a little sentimental. Its a good thing, I like sentimental anyway and George is fascinating at the best of times.

Everyone wants to leave something behind so that they'll be remembered well and your kids are no exception. Well he wanted something special for his daughter, and thought it would be nice to have something personal as a reminder of what he is, and this is what he came up with.

The shirt smells faintly of his aftershave and soap, and will contain a little note in the pocket that says something from him to her so she can get a hug and some encouraging words from her old dad long after he's gone.

Awww... How could I not?
I cut down the shirt sleeves in line with the body, and cut off half the length. I used a piece of the spare cloth to block the neck-hole up with by tacking it to the base of the collar and then machining round it from the outside, sealing the top button into place. The side seams were then rolled and machined into place, then I undid the buttons and rolled the bottom seam into place.

Finally I turned it in the right way again and stuffed it with a pillow before doing the buttons up again.

Thanks to George S for allowing me to reproduce this here, as it is so personal. I hope you dont need it any time soon my friend ;-)


marcs wrote 11/11/2017 at 06:41 point

Really sweet. It'd be nice to get George S some nice stationary that would not degrade over the years.

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Morning.Star wrote 11/15/2017 at 07:57 point

Thats a good idea :-)

It's going to be sealed in one of those vacuum zippy-bags to keep it in 'stasis', it is one of those things that may persist for many decades.

One of the reasons I was so pleased to have this opportunity was that the experience will outlast me as well, a form of immortality that fascinates me. ;-)

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Dennis wrote 11/11/2017 at 03:36 point

I lost my dad last November. Something like this would have
been great to have. Thanks for sharing. Makes me think about the future and my daughter.

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Morning.Star wrote 11/15/2017 at 08:03 point

You are most welcome, I'm glad George allowed me to show it to the world as well.

When I made it, I shed a tear or two and remembered Jim Croce's Time In A Bottle, one of my parents' favourites songs, one Frank used to play and inspired me to pick up my guitar. I'm sorry for your loss, I hope you have some really good memories like I have... :-)

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Arya wrote 11/10/2017 at 23:22 point

That's amazing. I've been holding this page open in my browser for 10 days now, and still haven't managed to express my thoughts clearly, other than "thank you for sharing this here!". Thank you! Makes me think that I should make this someday ... maybe everybody needs to make something like this someday =)

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Morning.Star wrote 11/15/2017 at 08:12 point

Thanks Ars :-)

It was one of my first thoughts when I was asked to make it, that my friends would feel exactly the same way I did when they saw it. George will be proud, as am I for making it reality because it touches hearts, love it! XD

I'll be happy if it inspires a few souls to learn to sew, thoroughly recommended fun for boys and girls alike lol...

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