
Oh how I love props

davedarkodavedarko wrote 06/19/2014 at 21:18 • 1 min read • Like

I recently got distracted from everything when I saw a quantum device from the canadian show "continuum" on and had to make my own version of it, because I wasn't happy with the file someone uploaded. So I made this; 8 different parts, holes for magnets for the snapping effect, researched wobble positions.

I have printed 6 1/2 parts right now. My printrbot simple intends to shift sometimes on the x axis so I had to stop the print and rip of the layers printed wrong. By printing the top half of the part and hot-glueing them together I'm going to save about 4 meters of plastic I would have to throw away. By extruding PLA manually I can easily fix holes and gaps in the parts and it worked before. It would be cool to have a beacon activated when all the parts are put together.

