

morningstarMorning.Star wrote 07/03/2018 at 06:40 • 2 min read • Like

I'm done.

I've been ripped off by humans once too often, and now I'm having nothing to do with them.

I've had accusations of every foul thing they do levelled at me - lying, scheming, cheating, robbing, fucking, crawling over each other to sit on top of a stinking pile of trash. I sit here and observe it with disgust, and dont subscribe.

Riches - The ability to get other people to do what I want, while I sit idle and watch them f*ck it up? Just no.

Fame - Being stared at, talked about, accosted in public and worse, forced to perform at request for nothing, and then autograph witnesses. Get stuffed...

Power - The ability to do whatever I want irrespective of others opinions, make choices that decide the fate of others and change the course of history. WTF for? I cant stop humans being stupid and parasitic.

When I was a child I wanted to become a Man. I taught myself art and literature, music, philosophy, some of the sciences, mathematics. I took a lover, had children, a career. Now I am a Man, I look around and see none to emulate. None but here, at least.

Hackaday is indeed a special place, populated with some of the best human beings I know. There are also some of the worst, scammers and sneakers, outright thieves who leech off the best because they are the best. It's also a window into the lives and imaginations of these amazing people and should be celebrated for that, but unfortunately that also means the aforementioned idle monster is using it as inspiration for newer ways to to choke us in the folds of its obesity.

I will not assist.



salec wrote 07/19/2018 at 17:16 point

Oh, and about the legal campaign: certainly there would be a sensible barrister to take your case pro bono, considering that you have no other options. Or, *someone else*, a group of supporters, could do crowdfunding on your behalf, so that technically no money touches your hands, and you don't control it, so it is not an income.

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salec wrote 07/19/2018 at 17:01 point

What do you mean by "the amount of unpaid care I have to provide prevents me from taking a job and earning a way out."?
Are they keeping some sort of debt on you? Support is not given. only leased? That is insane! Sure way to perpetuate, and over time increase the public spendings.

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salec wrote 07/19/2018 at 16:51 point

"I've reached the end of my tether, Bea has begun abusing me because she hates the conditions, and I've been denied legal aid to prosecute as well as the ability to crowd-fund a legal campaign - any money I make is deducted from my social benefits, and the amount of unpaid care I have to provide prevents me from taking a job and earning a way out."

@Morning.Star : Man, I don't know you, but your story is heartbreaking and unfair. Please don't give up!

The way I see your position, you are held on a short leash by your social support system, in sense that you are blackmailed against taking baby steps to bring yourself out of poverty, by a threat that your support would be instantly taken away all at once. The only way out would be to take a quantum leap and out of the blue land a princely paid job, earning enough to hire pay rent and professional care to help you with Bea, so that you could have your working hours. However, UK, or at least some parts of it, is probably one of the most expensive places in the world to live in, especially if you have extra expenses.

Put your brain to the task of calculating what income rate you would need for sustaining your family (you and your daughter) on your own, and how that measures to earning opportunities available to you (a job, or living of the Internet, as blogger, a YouTube star, freelancer, etc. ).

Do the same for other places in the world as well, research the expenses and find where you can fit. 

E.g. here in Serbia where I live, some foreigners say the expenses are decently low, so one can live from online income, but the medical professionals are syphoned to Germany for better pay there, and I am not sure how much would a nurse or housekeeper cost here now, but I am certain its a lot cheaper than in Britain. 

Perhaps instead of planning to live as techno-nomad you should look up proper vacancy somewhere abroad. If I was you, I'd try to land a job and lodging in some place with better social support.  For example, one of my friends who has autistic child mentioned that she is eyeing Norway for that matter - Norway is currently accepting skilled immigrants and allegedly they have quality state - sponsored programs for care of autistic persons.

Prospective employers might offer you some relocation advance which would cover your expenses for travel,  moving your stuff, renting accommodation, etc. I heard that especially for USA employers hiring engineers from overseas.

Or you might better like Australia or New Zeeland, their cultures are more kin to British (driving side, at the very least). 

Just keep your mind open. The world is a big place.

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Dr. Cockroach wrote 07/03/2018 at 07:20 point

I gave a "Like" as in I agree. Sad but true...

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