
First log - and let's talk!

A project log for uGlass: an AR module on your glasses

In this project we try to build a cheap AR module that you can use with your regular glasses.

ultimate-roboticsUltimate Robotics 10/24/2019 at 12:060 Comments

Hi and welcome to the uGlass project! Originally, our main project was over here at uECG - a very small wearable ECG, but after MakerFaire, things have happened and people have been following uGlass a lot (like, A LOT) - so we decided to step up our schedule!

We just came back to Kyiv after MakerFaire - you can read about it here, but it was an unforgettable experience and the largest MakerFaire we participated in. We brought uGlass there and people tried it on - it's a very early prototype, but it was great to have feedback and see how others use our device. We want to document everything in the next project log, and work from there, so stay tuned.

Thanks to everyone who's been following us! You're great, and we'd love if you could tell us why you liked uGlass in the first place! Join the Public Chat and let's talk while it's hot!

When AR is in the top
drop it like it's hot 
drop it like it's hot
drop it like it's hot
