
Stronghold CMD

A voice controlled home automation project.

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My vision for Stronghold CMD was to provide a way to operate you home and provide useful information to you as you live your life. Stronghold CMD leverages voice recognition and OpenZWave to allow you to turn off and on the lights in your home via voice command. Things like computer management: such as putting the computers to sleep when you leave your house are also possible using the Stronghold Command client. This program is envisioned as a way to provide a operating system for your home. The project also contains social robot type features, including emotions displayed through an animated avatar , and Cloud based chat that allows you to have a conversation with the program.

I will be releasing Stronghold CMD as open source so that you can create your own modifications to the program and add different functionality to the program. It has been designed in a fashion to allow simple feature adding by the use of code modules, easily programmable sections of code designed to execute a specific function. Stronghold CMD is still considered closed source at this time but will be released open source once the program comes out of beta (v1.00).

Setting up a basic instance only takes about 15 min and a few physical parts. What you need to setup Stronghold CMD is a computer or server installed with Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, a set of computer speakers, a microphone that can capture the sound in a room and a Z-Wave enabled USB stick. Full documentation for setting up and installing the program can be found in the downloads section of Stronghold CMD under the Projects heading on

  • 1 × Computer Speakers
  • 1 × Open Z Wave USB Stick
  • 1 × Snowflake Microphone
  • 1 × Computer and Monitor

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