

Art meets Technology

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This user joined on 03/10/2014.

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Midsouth Makers

Things I've Built

MAME Cabnet

Fun project on so many levels, from hacking the monitor, to using a classic bread board and nails to wire the controllers.

tiny 85 programmer

tiny 85 programmer sheild

Mother Board Salvage

Take a hot air gun and some time and you're suddenly part rich. Takes a little time but you'll thethe hang of it.

$10 Battery door fix for Nikon L18 / L20

Okay so this just makes a mount that holds the batteries in but these little camera take the best low light pictures ever!

DIY Etching

When you have to go the next level, etching can be very rewarding.

$2 usb light

Fun thing happen when I go to the dollar store, handy light for seeing keyboard keys at night.

Gravity Dog Feeder

Feed the dog while your away.

Custom Head bed Version 1

Custom Head bed Version 1 - etched using vinyl

Custom Head bed Version 2

Custom Head bed Version 1 - etched using vinyl

Custom Arduino stuff

Once you learn the basics of the Arduino the rest just comes natural. No needs to break the bank buying kits. Most things can be made under a dollar.

Two leds panel for 3d Printer

Proof of concept, throw the geek away and go guerilla. Showing that LEDs can be run resistorless on a MM2.

DIY Hot end and extruder

Made this puppy for $15 using parts from McMaster-Carr. It's the head on a custom 3dPrintMi.

Lo-tech speaker hack

mounted speakers to a piece of plexi so they hang on the wall easy to access and put away.

spinning platform from a microwave

Project of making a spinning platform from salvaged parts from a microwave.

3d Printer Head Bed Over Driver

Need a circuit to heat a 3d Printers head bed on the fast, and this is what I made. It feeds 24v isolated to the head bed using standard ramps kit, 7805 and a relay.

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