
Finishing up

A project log for Mighty Lighty

If you can change a light bulb.... You can install this security camera

kelleykelley 05/30/2016 at 03:100 Comments

The other thing that is missing from this prototype is a weather proof enclosure. The original plan was to 3d print or vacuum form one but mostly due to time constraints I was not able to get the far. 3D printing one 6 inches high would have taken about 8 hours on my printer. The other thing working against me with the enclosure is the components in this build are very large for something replacing a light bulb and fixture. I did attempt to make temporary enclosure with some plastic board and it turned out looking more like a lamp shad haha.

The zip ties are also just a temporary place holder so I could measure and print a proper bracket

light is on and video is streaming
