Quantity   Component name
1 × Through-hole resistors
1 × 2N3904 transistors
1 × LEDs Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components
1 × 1N418 signal diodes
1 × Electrolytic capacitors (various)
1 × Ceramic capacitors (various)
1 × Modeling clay (not plasticine, but the real dirt-type)
1 × Inductors (various)
1 × LT700 type audio transformer 3:2 w/center tap
1 × Photoresistors (various)
1 × 74HC14 Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components
1 × 2N3906 transistors
1 × BS170 Mosfet
1 × 8 ohm speakers
1 × Hook-up wire (22 gauge and similar)