
Force Controlled LED (25/11/18)

A project log for Gesture Controlled Smartwatch

A larger, more functional smartwatch with gesture controllability

thomas-mckinneyThomas McKinney 02/27/2019 at 19:330 Comments

Now I've added an LED to the breadboard, connected to digital pin 13 on the Arduino. This LED is controlled by the FSR measurement. If the reading exceeds 400, the LED will come on, below 400 and it will be off. 

This is the earliest example of the premise for this project. To control through the FSR (which will monitor and distinguish a certain gesture) an action, where the action here is to turn an LED on/off. 

I will upload the code I wrote for this in the 'files' section. 

You may notice the larger, more sensitive range of the FSR in this video compared to the last project entry. I coupled the sensor with a larger feedback resistor, a possibility/solution as described in the Flexiforce A201 Datasheet to measure lower forces, which can be found on the TekScan website: 
