
Strap/Case Idea (29/11/18)

A project log for Gesture Controlled Smartwatch

A larger, more functional smartwatch with gesture controllability

thomas-mckinneyThomas McKinney 02/27/2019 at 19:490 Comments

Moving away from the coding side of this project, there is a large design and build element to it. It is my current understanding/impression, that the FSR Sensors will require a sturdy/rigid structure at least one side in order to measure accurately. 

I drew up this concept on SolidWorks CAD:

This has been designed for my wrist, by simply measuring the widest section of my wrist, adding a little extra onto that and that will make up the diameter for the strap. At this point i'm planning on placing the sensors on small square platforms inside the strap at various locations in order to measure the forces created by the impressions of my tendons on the FSR Sensors under different hand and finger gesture movements. The rectangular prism, indicated the 'watch face' area, is just for show, that depth I doubt will be suitable for the final form to house the Pi, Touchscreen, Arduino and multiple cables. 
