Disassembly procedures

Read some of the directions in Maintenance a MTD Yard Machine Lawn Tractor and perform SECTION G

STEPS #01 - #15 contained therein. Only when fully completed proceed with those steps shown below.

Step 1: Remove the fuel line hose clamp with a 3/8" wrench or ratchet/socket

Remove the 1/4" x 1/2" hex screw holding both the Fuel Line Clamp (Retainer) and one side of the Fuel Tank Strap. Once the screw has been removed, remove the Fuel Line Hose Clamp by simply slipping the expandable clamp off of the Fuel Line.

Step 2: Disconnect the fuel line intake clamp

Gently squeeze the opposing tabs on the yellow Fuel Line Intake Clamp with a pair of regular pliers and slide it a couple of inches down the Fuel Line just far enough for it not to be a hindrance to removing the Fuel Line.

Step 3: Remove fuel intake

The fuel intake assembly is press-fitted into the Fuel Tank making use of a rubber-seal fitting. The assembly is removed by simply grasping the metal elbow fitting on the Intake and gently pulling outwards.

WARNING! Once the Intake has been removed, dangerous fuel vapors will begin escaping from the Fuel Tank. Use a clean, dry rag to plug the hole until the Intake has been disconnected from the Fuel Line and subsequently reinserted back into the tank.

Step 4: Disconnect the fuel intake from the intake assembly.

Use a gentle twist-pull action while slowly working the rubber hose off of the "barbed" metal elbow-fitting.

CAUTION! When removing the Fuel Line be aware that fuel may still be present in the hose. Use caution when disconnecting the Fuel Line from the elbow-fitting!

IMPORTANT: Once the intake has been disconnected from the Fuel Line, re-insert the assembly back into the tank by pressing the rubber-fitting into the hole.

Step 5: Remove the fuel tank

The fuel tank is freely mounted in a "saddle" situated between the two chassis rails, thus allows the tank to be simply lifted out. Once removed, carefully empty any remaining contents of the tank into a suitable container to be properly disposed of.

Step 6: Service the fuel tank

The MTD fuel tank on this yard tractor is a single-piece plastic composite tank designed to withstand the punishments of outdoor yard maintenance. When servicing the tank itself remember the following:

Clean the tank with mild detergents, or those solutions designed specifically for removing contaminants from such tanks.

During the cleaning process, do not install the tank gauge nor the fuel intake assembly. These must be serviced separately.

After completion of the cleaning process, thoroughly rinse out the tank so as to remove all detergents, preventing fuel contamination.

After completion of the rinsing process, allow the tank to fully dry before re-installation.

Allow only minimal time once the tank has dried and inspections have been completed to reinstall the Fuel Gauge and Fuel Intake in order to prevent contaminants from entering the fuel system.

Prior to beginning re-installation, thoroughly inspect the tank especially the manufacturing seams and the base of the nozzle neck for signs of splitting or cracks. If any are found, the tank MUST BE replaced!

Carefully inspect the fuel gauge to insure that there are no cracks in the needle-dome or the the threaded neck which goes down over the tank nozzle.

Carefully inspect the gasket on the underside of the gauge to insure that there are no cracks or dry-rotting. If found, the gasket or the entire gauge must be replaced.

Carefully inspect the fuel intake assembly to insure there is no splitting, cracking, or dry-rotting of the rubber seal that seats down into the fuel tank. If found, the intake will require replacement.