
The casing is a custom made solid aluminium case. I had these made up years ago when building a WiFi network. they were designed to take a Mini ITX motherboard with several 2.4Ghz radios and would run a mesh network.
They are SOLID and while installing one unit on a water tower I dropped it about 20m on to the ground (grass) . no damage to the box, the equipment and the unit ran for about 8 years without a glitch.

I will be interested to see how they handle the sub zero temperatures, there is a gasket between the face plate and the casing that seals up to prevent any water ingress.

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WiFi 2.4Ghz antenna. I opted for a spider antenna as they are small and given the wind loading should not snap off. Initially U was going to make a casing for it but instead decided that rubber dipping the antenna would reduce the surface area exposed to the wind although after the unit was finished and shipped I had the horrible thought of what this is going to look like after ice builds up on it.
On the other side of the mounting platform there is the Iridium antenna flat mounted to the arm.

All cables are pulled down inside the mounting arm and then in to the rubber coated steel armored cable.

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The solar power mounting system may look like a bit of overkill but given the unit may be expose to winds of 200Km/h it had to be robust.

The M8 threaded rods allow you to tilt the panel at whatever angle.

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