

A project log for Ventbot: warm side cool, cool side warm

A DIY register booster project to even out the temps around my home.

wjcarpenterWJCarpenter 05/17/2023 at 02:400 Comments

I haven't updated this project log for a while, but I have been working on a few things. One thing that I just finished is the design for the brackets to hold the fans themselves. I had a couple iterations of this, but I eventually simplified it to make it less confusing. I designed it in OpenSCAD so that it's easy to change dimensions. The SCAD file is part of the design repository. This image of the reference design (the "reference" preset) has absurd dimensions, but I did it that way so that the labels for the parts would be very visible and in unambiguous locations.

Here's a photo of a more realistically-dimensioned "reference" bracket (the battery is just for scale):

The bracket design incorporates the following ideas:

Here's what it looks like with 3 fans (92mm) held together with 4 brackets. (I didn't use a cross-brace.) The brackets on the end are not strictly necessary, but I used them for added stability.

I printed the brackets with PETG filament. It took a little trial and error to dial in the dimensions.
