Quantity   Component name
23 × Akko lavendar purple tactile keyswitches Any MX-compatible switches will do
2 × 360 degree rotary encoder
1 × Raspberry Pi Pico / Sumo Pi Pico RPi for micro-USB, but SumoPi if you want USB-C
23 × Kailh MX-compatible hotswap socket
1 × A nOOd flexible LED To light up the sigil area. Not needed if you don't want the glowing window
23 × MX-compatible keycaps I used keycaps with clear lenses that snap on top so I can just put labels on each key as needed
1 × 1000 uF capacitor A cap to shield the LEDs from power surges
23 × Reverse-mount NeoPixel LEDs Remember: if they aren't NeoPixels, they're just pixels.
23 × 100 nF capacitors Teeny tiny caps for each LED
1 × PSP1000 joystick
1 × 3 pin magnetic pogo pin connector For power to the sigil window. Not needed if you don't want the glowing window
1 × 470 Ohm resistor To clean the power to the sigil window. Not needed if you don't want the glowing window