
Picture hanger for wheelchair users

How does a wheel chair user hang picture frame in their house without any assistance up in their wall?

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How does a wheel chair user hang picture frame in their house without any assistance up in their wall? Sure it is not day to day task but still it must feel limited to hang at once or change the frame at will.

How does a wheel chair user hang picture frame in their house without any assistance up in their wall? Sure it is not day to day task but still it must feel limited to hang at once or change the frame at will.

Inspired with flag pole rope system, I am building a very simple, manual and attractive picture hanging system mounted on wall designed to hang picture for wheelchair users similar with concept of the flag elevation mechanism that can be universally adaptable that does not require power except one hand to adjust. 

  • 1 × Cable cover 1.2 meter
  • 2 × Rod Small size diameter that can fit in to the cable cover
  • 1 × Rope 2.6 meter

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  • 1

    - Cut cable cover according to the height of desired elevation of your frame - Cut rope twice plus some margin of the cable cover

    - Cut rode according to the inner length of the cable cover.

  • 2

    - Mount the cable cover in the wall according to the desired elevation 

    - Fix the rod in to the cable cover

    - Insert the rope into the cable cover

    - Attach the rope with the frame

    - Close the cable cover

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Dingo420 wrote 06/10/2023 at 00:50 point

how is one in a wheelchair going to accomplish step 1 of installation....?

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Ken Yap wrote 06/10/2023 at 01:59 point

Do it before needing a wheelchair. 🤣

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Anteneh Gashaw wrote 06/10/2023 at 06:21 point

@Ken Yap  actually that is not a bad idea. This system can be installed in every abled house too: you never know when you become disabled

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Anteneh Gashaw wrote 06/10/2023 at 06:20 point

@Dingo420  Thank you for the question. Well like any structure of a housing like electrical system and others, it is installed by the contractor who built or made the finishing job of the housing in locations where it is suitable to hang pictures. It comes with coat hanger and other limiting tasks as well.

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Anteneh Gashaw wrote 05/20/2023 at 10:45 point

@WalkerDev  Any thoughts on first prototype?

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