
Quick update

A project log for CamperCycle

A rather large project that spans multiple disciplines. Despite of a chronic illness that leaves me fatigued a lot of the time.

timescaleTimescale 04/26/2024 at 21:340 Comments

I'm still very ill and have been in and out of hospitals. This will probably remain so for a while, while I'm tested for..... spare parts....Indeed I might need a transplant.

The bike project has not stopped, at least not in my thoughts, but I have been doing odds and ends here and there. Mostly scrounging for parts, but I have been working on the following:

12V system. I need to double up the converters with some dioded and the solar panel will be 12v monocrystalline. With 3 batteries that will get me a 36v ebike system.

I have been ordering and collecting stuff for the PMF construction, but I'm going with poly epoxy instead of tightbond II. I might still use that as a costsaving measure, but the prices are not that bad. I have to do the tests because the design is starting to depend on structural EPX.

Still after steel, but I got a lead. I also perhaps have a method to produce bushings with threats for the rear suspension.

Until I have something to show for it, this is it.
