
Exit bag

A project log for CamperCycle

A rather large project that spans multiple disciplines. Despite of a chronic illness that leaves me fatigued a lot of the time.

timescaleTimescale 04/29/2024 at 03:030 Comments

Attempted failed due to leaky valve.. Would not recommend although I slept like a baby. The problem with failure here is that one has some explaining to do. But i'm still alive.

*** To any mod or editor who is tempted to remove this log due to its dark theme, I urge you to reconsider as this might be the single most important entry I have ever written

The reason being that people are going to attempt this regardless and without the proper research, it can go horribly wrong, but nothing here is anything that is not already available in snippets around the web.***

I have been planning this as a "just in case" option if I got to the point where deterioration got so bad I would have been practically incapable to do anything, including work on this project. As long as I had just a tiny morsel of strength left, I wanted to option to perform a full ... system shutdown.

Unfortunately that time is coming fast towards me. I see myself get worst every day and realistically, any treatment will be long, hard and most likely futile so I'm now actively preparing to use the exit bag before I can't lift a spoon any more. This means that if this log is up, I'm probably gone.

The method I chose is the "helium" method. It is clean, fast and safe for the surrounding compared to noxious gas methods but there needs to go some planning into it. considering the audience, the maker portion of it isn't complicated but for a quick overview.

Within minutes sleep-mode  sets in and after a couple of minutes, 5 to 10, the system shuts down permanently. I know this is a dark subject, but this project being part of my recovery and that is failing, I feel the need to add this as a last bit of project information I could produce. Not what anybody suspected, but you do not always have a choice, at least now I get the choose how where and where to exit this mortal existence.

I wish my fellow makers the best and perhaps somebody can pick up where I left off.

Best wishes and

Slava Ukraini!
