

A simple OS for ESP8266 and Arduino

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An operating system that is designed for microcontrollers, specifically for ESP8266 and Arduino. Written in C++. It is recommended to use PuTTY as a serial interface.


- Arduino IDE

- A microcontroller


- Tested on ESP8266 and Arduino Uno R4 Wifi

- It may be necessary to make minor adjustments if you want to run it on different microcontrollers.

- SysInfo: View information about the system.
- Calculator: A simple calculator.
- Direct Syscall: Execute system calls directly.

Simple task scheduler:

Task scheduler allows you to create and schedule tasks, with different priorities, for example, blinking an led(built-in in the io driver). Task scheduler also allows you to kill tasks by pid.

Task priority levels:

- 0 - Highest priority, used for critical tasks

- 1 - Very high priority, used for important tasks, for example in calculations

- 2 - High priority, used for normal tasks that require frequent use

- 3-4 - Higher than normal priority, use for less frequent tasks

- 5 - Normal priority, used for normal tasks

- 6-10 - Lower priority, used for example blinking a led

Check out the GitHub for the latest versions.

I'm not a professional and some information could be wrong!

Version for Arduino.

x-zip-compressed - 8.78 kB - 03/29/2024 at 21:27


Latest version of ESP-OS.

x-zip-compressed - 8.67 kB - 03/28/2024 at 23:13


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  • 1
    Download the version

    Download the version that you want from Releases.

  • 2
    Extract the zip

    Extract the zip file to your desired location. 

  • 3
    Open Arduino IDE and upload

    Open the "esp_os.ino" from the extracted zip. All required files are in the "src" folder. Here's a tutorial if you haven't installed the ESP8266 library yet. Select your board port for example I have COM4 and then click upload. Done! Don't forget to set the serial monitor baud rate to 115200 or it won't function properly.

View all 3 instructions

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