

simulate the weight of a full gym at home in total safety

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Resistance exercise is the single best way to improve body composition, achieve greater performance, and enhance longevity. Heavier is better, so a good home gym is expensive and takes up a lot of space. Even if you go to a professional gym, or invest in a home gym, the weights don't know what you're doing...they're just heavy.

Gym-E is a smart electronic winch that creates resistance by pulling on you. It can generate far more "weight" than you can possibly lift. It can generate so little "weight" you won't even break a sweat. It can pull a little, or a lot, or both in the same exercise. With force-feedback the Gym-E can keep you working at exactly the right level of resistance to maximize your workout time. It can also prevent injury even when working at your maximum capacity.

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rgwgg5 wrote 04/08/2022 at 00:37 point

Good to see this gym program. I have made a similar program for the sciencebehindsweat page and its working similar like this.

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1mohamedbh2b wrote 08/22/2021 at 19:02 point

That's really a great idea to track your gym performance with electronic devices. I want to embed this article with my blog, you can see here

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ghansuekame5269 wrote 02/19/2021 at 13:47 point

Gym is a smart electronic winch that creates resistance by pulling on you  It can generate far more "weight" than you can possibly lift. how much time required to perform this all task and  i need to specifc dieat i saw gym matriel from this site

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