
PipeCam: Low-Cost Autonomous Underwater Camera

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Low cost autonomous underwater camera for long term deployments and exploration


djgraff1 wrote 06/09/2019 at 20:20 point

I am working on this project. I use a tp5110 but I don't think it makes much difference for my purposes. Basically I found some errors in your code involving the path being wrong and also as you mentioned the shutdown process is a bit sloppy. I also changed the time to localtime for the timestamp.

As for the shutdown process I followed this process:

the first answer that is there. It allows the pi to turn off power with the TPL5111/TPL5110 without ignoring the shutdown. I made a bash script to put pin 17 to high and then followed that answer on stackoverflow using systemd to include it as part of the shutdown process. I believe this helps make sure the camera doesnt mess up when getting a signal to shutdown as I was getting corrupted images before.



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