
Onion Omega2 with Industrial 4-20mA Sensors

reading 4-20mA input using onion omega. A SBC with Ethernet, Wifi, USB and cloud connectivity

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The Onion Omega 2 is one of my favorite SBCs. It’s small and comes with a ton of power. There are so many neat and interesting projects that can be done with
this computer. In this guide, I will show you how to use the Onion Omega with 4-20mA industrial sensors.

About 4-20mA Sensors
4-20mA sensors are a powerful communication standard, commonly found in industrial applications. 4-20mA sensors use current variations to send data. Current variations can travel long distance because current does not decay over distance.

Hardware Grocery List

You are going to need a few items to complete this project, here’s a grocery list of the base necessities (we are assuming you already have some 4-20mA sensors):

1. Onion Omega 2 Single Board IoT Computer

2. Onion Omega 2 and Onion Omega 1 IoT Interface Adapter

3. MCP3428 4-Channel 4-20mA 16-Bit Current Receiver with IoT Interface

Setting up the Onion Omega

The 4-20mA receiver has an MCP3428 to convert analog values into digital values using the MCP3428.  The MCP3428 will communicate with Onion Omega using I2C communications.  To use I2C communications, we will need to install the Python I2C driver in the Onion Omega using the following commands:

opkg update opkg install python-light pyOnionI2C

Our 4-20mA receiver is very easy to use since it’s based on a common Analog-to-Digital converter.  This device has 4 input channels with on-board amplifier for signal conditioning. To read the 4-20mA signals, we will need to setup the following parameters:

a. Set the MCP3428 Gain to 2

b. Set the MCP3428 Bit Resolution to 12 (it supports up to 16 bits if you need better resolution)

  • 1 × onion omega SBC computer
  • 1 × Onion omega 2 IOT to connect onion omega with NCD devices
  • 1 × 4-20mA receiver Board 4 channel 4-20mA current receiver board

  • 1
    Interfacing 4-20mA receiver sensor with IOT

    About 4-20mA Sensors 4-20mA sensors are a powerful communication standard, commonly found in industrial applications. 4-20mA sensors use current variations to send data. Current variations can travel long distance because current does not decay over distance.

    Why is 4-20mA the Standard Current Range? I have seen this question asked so many times, but there is a really easy answer for this. Put simply, a current sensor needs to use 4mA for a Zero reading rather than 0mA. If 0mA were used for the zero value, there would be no way to detect a sensor malfunction vs. a broken wire. Using the standard 4-20mA current range, a broken wire will indicate 0mA. A working sensor will load the current on the line to 4mA (minimum), indicating the sensor is active and ready to go to work. This has been an industry standard for many years, making it easy to troubleshoot a long-distance wiring problem vs. a remote sensor problem. The 4-20mA standard really has nothing to do with 420, it’s just a just a “happy” coincidence!

    There are many industrial sensors which come with 4-20mA output. The most common are distance sensors, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, flow meters, weight sensors, and much more. In this tutorial, we will learn how we can read all these complex industrial sensors using the Onion Omega and an NCD 4-Channel 4-20mA current receiver board.

    The onion omega python lib for reading 4-20mA can be found over here

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