
Concrete Egg Time Capsule

The idea is to make a mould to cast an concrete ball time capsule with inside a small titanium case.

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Here is a standard Time Capsule in Inox with a Life Time of 200 years, with 1mm of thickness : 

Lets try something more time resistant with a titanium and concrete !

One the paper, technical concrete like Fiber Reinforced Concrete could last 1000 years. 

The next step will be to add a time resistant radio pulse emitter powered by an energy harvesting device. 

time-egg-2 v20.f3d

Fusion 360 file

f3d - 408.51 kB - 07/20/2018 at 09:41


View all 2 project logs

  • 1
    Let's print the 2 parts of the mould !
  • 2
    Get the concrete and prepare it !

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Sophi Kravitz wrote 07/20/2018 at 13:39 point

watching! very interested to see this de-moulded. How are you going to control bubbles?

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TheThirdMan wrote 07/20/2018 at 14:55 point

old school method i think, hammer blows under the table during drying 

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