
Joysticks Obtained

A project log for The Kasei Initiative

Working to kick start the robot revolution. It is coming, and the Kasei Initiative will play an important role.

mister-malwareMister Malware 07/06/2015 at 16:140 Comments

I fired up my soldering iron on the 4th and worked until 10PM gathering bits and pieces from circuit boards I'd accumulated over my days of pack-rattiness, and as such, I obtained two joysticks from a Nintendo Gamecube controller and hope to get the motors wired and running with the aid of a joystick in time to enter the Initiative in the side contest (which I'm confused on the entry date, since the email said by June 7, while the stack page says by June 9th).

What I'd really like is to get lucky and, I don't know, find a box of servos on the side of the road. Crazier things have happened.
