
A Bunch of Pictures

A project log for Electric Sonett: Old Car/New Tech

This project focuses on ecological sustainability and social responsibility through reuse. Increasing lifecycle efficiency, decreasing cost.

adam-curtisAdam Curtis 12/31/2015 at 03:530 Comments

I've been taking a bunch of photos throughout the process of this project. Here they are.

Also, here are a couple short videos from the past few days.

What a hot car...

Here's the engine/transmission hanging in place. I need to find some dimensions from a stock Sonett before I can make the engine mounts. (#lackofforethough)

This was early in the project. I ripped out (carefully) the engine wiring harness thinking "I won't need that sh*t." I'll get the blinkers, lights, horn, wipers out and ditch the rest.

This transmission is junk on the inside. Only good for mockup purposes. I need a new one.

I really want to make a flip bonnet for my Sonett. This is just propped up, but doesn't it look goood.

Here are the videos:

A time lapse while I'm tacking in a 4" x 4' strip to the bottom of the rocker panel.


Putting the engine and transmission in for the first time. I got a chain hoist and bolted it to my ceiling (with proper reinforcements) here I go lifting the engine/transmission for the first time.

