
Motor Mounts

A project log for Electric Sonett: Old Car/New Tech

This project focuses on ecological sustainability and social responsibility through reuse. Increasing lifecycle efficiency, decreasing cost.

adam-curtisAdam Curtis 01/11/2016 at 01:360 Comments

The latest and greatest motor mount.

I have two motor mounts that each go through the original isolating rubber mounts. I was happy to have the opportunity to weld something that wasn't thin sheet.

These plates were cut with a CNC plasma cutter. It was nice to use the fancy equipment, but I think I could have gotten it cut out in less time with a bandsaw. I learned from this experience to bring more material than you really need. I had a lot of trouble with the plate shifting when the cutter touched off.

This mount bolts to the motor right next to the high voltage input, thus the curved side plates.
