
New Steel

A project log for Electric Sonett: Old Car/New Tech

This project focuses on ecological sustainability and social responsibility through reuse. Increasing lifecycle efficiency, decreasing cost.

adam-curtisAdam Curtis 01/11/2016 at 02:140 Comments

I was tired of looking at the bent up front end of the Sonett. It was in a crash and evidence keeps popping up though out the steel and fiberglass. I can't fix it all, but I can give it a new front rectangle. I welded up a new one out of rectangle stock, cut out all the bent metal, jacked, winched and jumped on the stuff that was not quite right and welded in my new front. It looks way better, plus it's super strong.

The bent up front.

Cut out...

And replaced

You might notice that the bumper mounts are gone. True. That bumper was super ugly.
