
LAN Voice Chat Via Mumble? hmmmmmmm

A project log for PiFold

PiZero+CustomAccessPoint+CaptivePortal+AudioStreaming+PiFM+Voip in a wallet. Cash, Cache and Content. (optional Solar Charger)

tomwsmftomwsmf 02/16/2016 at 08:141 Comment

I have been loving reading all the PiZero Contest entrants. One of them, the Minecraft Rescue Radio, got me thinking about adding a Mumble server to Anyfesto and thus the PiFold.

Why? Use Case... secure local area voice chats. Mumble has clients on Android and iOs as well as Linux/Win/Mac so it has a wide base of platforms. Communication over a short distance when cellular/internet is out or not friendly is a great reason. The landing page could have info on using it , even have the various clients available for dling.

The big questions I need to answer are load issues, both cpu and bandwidth. This is definitely winding up in Anyfesto proper but load issues might keep it out of the PiFold.

Testing to start in the next day or so.


tomwsmf wrote 02/16/2016 at 20:14 point

Mumble server adds about 1% -2% cpu usage per user talking. Not bad at all. I have  added it to the test PiFold  and put in the steps to set  it up. 

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