

A Pi-powered sports tracking device using a GPS Module, that allows a user to see their journey on a touch display.

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In today’s society, we found a problem. The problem is that sports enthusiasts fail to engage with technology. Regardless of the modern day use of mobile technologies within the sports industry, anyone who wishes to become a power user of technology is swiftly declined this opportunity due to the limitations of portable GPS/accelerometry systems. Therefore, we have come up with a new solution. SportTrax is a product we have designed to be a precise tracking device for almost any form of physical activity. The device offers data logging features such as altitude, direction, velocity and location. However, in actual fact SportTrax is so much more. We have designed SportTrax to be a modular device which allows an aficionado with a combination of these interests to not only use such an advanced device, but optionally build their own as a kit. #SportTrax on Twitter.

-Our Journey to SportTrax-

With our background in computing the SportTrax Team were able to identify an issue within society. We developed a product to provide a solution. During development of our revolutionary device our goal was to put technology into the hands of both professional and amateur sports enthusiasts. From our experience with friends and social networks we have had first hand involvement within this tightly-knit community helping them to engage with computing and electronics. We've taken the opportunity to teach these devotees and welcome them to the world of electronics. Of course, that is not to suggest similar products aren't available within a highly advertised finance driven industry. They are! We, however, have used our creativity to produce a product that brings sports technology and tracking to life in a new way.

-Video Introduction-

For the SportTrax project we produced a video introduction:

-Down to Earth-

In terms of the product we needed a starting point. A place from which we could progress to developing a product which we hope to be a revolutionary leisure-based device. Our starting point came from an article within the MagPi that used a Pi Zero and a series 3 GPS module. From this we further developed a concept on having a standalone device that did not require any complex connections or wiring for the end user - unless of course they wished to take the product from the point of being a complete kit. From this mere concept, we produced 'SportTrax'.


In order to help publicise our campaign we utilised social media, in particular 'Twitter'. We achieved this through the use of '#SportTrax'. In doing so, we were even retweeted by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, while HackaDay even tweeted about our project (twice!). We received lots of support for our project - some 'tweeters' even asking for copies of our build guide.


In today’s society, we found a problem. The problem is that sports enthusiasts fail to engage with technology. Regardless of the modern day use of mobile technologies within the sports industry, anyone who wishes to become a power user of technology is swiftly declined this opportunity due to the limitations of portable GPS/accelerometry systems. Therefore, we have come up with a new solution. SportTrax is a product we have designed to be a precise tracking device for almost any form of physical activity. The device offers data logging features such as altitude, direction, velocity and location. However, in actual fact SportTrax is so much more. We have designed SportTrax to be a modular device which allows an aficionado with a combination of these interests to not only use such an advanced device, but optionally build their own as a kit.

Equally, someone with little experience would have the ability to ‘hack’ our device and customize it to their own requirements – for example, placing a larger battery aboard the device. It should be mentioned that we have chosen the components in our product with care for the everyday athlete who wishes to have the ability to adapt their product for their own use. This is because those who work extreme scenarios may need to adapt their SportTrax for their own uses – which we have ensured is an easy process.

Of course, it is a requirement that the product itself is not only aesthetic but has a casing which allows it to be safely and easily transported, while ensuring it could be easily reproduced or manufactured. Therefore, we have opted to use Perspex as it allows the casing to both be easily altered or cut/engraved. On the casi

SportTrax Build Guide.pdf

A build guide for the SportTrax device in a magazine style.

application/pdf - 46.94 MB - 02/24/2016 at 00:00



A quick summary of SportTrax including bills of the software modules used and logs of the projects progression.

application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document - 14.96 MB - 02/23/2016 at 23:59


Temperature-Resistance Comparision.png

Graphical analysis of thermistor comparing the relationship temperature and resistance.

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 103.54 kB - 02/14/2016 at 19:54


  • 1 × Raspberry Pi Running Jessie with 8GB Micro SD Card - you can use either Pi Zero or any other Pi Model.
  • 1 × Micro SD Card (> 4GB)
  • 1 × Adafruit 2.8" Capacitive Touch Display
  • 1 × Adafruit Perma Proto Breadboard 1/4 Size - including a number of jumper wires
  • 1 × Adafruit PowerBoost 500c

View all 8 components

  • Final Log

    Sammy Herring02/24/2016 at 00:12 0 comments

    Dear all,

    Hope you are well,

    Recently I have had then wonderful pleasure of concluding the 'SportTrax' project. Now I have the opportunity to move on to my next development of a NFC security management system over the next few weeks.

    I would like to take this opportunity to thank this communities support with the SportTrax project and I look forward to seeing even more projects revealed on the Pi Zero Contest page. It would be wrong not to mention the considerable work put in by LadyAda and mention how inspiring her video series truly was. I started this project being a novice when it came to electronics, relatively to the genius minds on HackADay I still am, but I can say for certain that it has been a brilliant journey. Most notably, I must say that I have been inspired with the concept of producing my own Pi Hat and using the Pi Zero as a USB Gadget, I look forward, once available to have a 'proper' play with one of these amazing devices,

    Many Thanks,


  • Final Casing Nets

    Sammy Herring02/12/2016 at 00:14 0 comments

    Dear All,

    Good news!

    Today, we finalised the nets of the acrylic casing for SportTrax which now include labeling for all of the ports. We have also included spacing and mounting points for female to female jumper wires for a serial connection to the Raspberry Pi's console.

    We have almost finished the magazine - one page to go!

    More info coming soon,


  • Magazine Production

    Sammy Herring02/09/2016 at 21:52 0 comments

    Dear all,

    Hope you have had a busy yet relaxing week in the world of electronics,

    I can certainly say that over the past week we have been working to ensure that all of the documentation, imagery and accompanying videos are ready for the magazine publication which provides all the necessary information to make this project.

    We hope to release that Friday evening (13/02/2016),

    Have a good day,


View all 3 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Getting Started with your Pi (Page 5 of Build Guide)

  • 2
    Step 2

    Display Setup (Page 4 of Build Guide)

  • 3
    Step 3

    XStroke Gesture Setup (Page 4 of Build Guide)

View all 6 instructions

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Andrew Pena wrote 02/19/2016 at 07:17 point

I don’t get it....what exactly does your prototype do?  Other than have the look and feel of a large brick, albeit, a technologically fortified one, I’m unclear as to what it is. Are you suggesting this is a product that provides GPS and various data logging to a spectator or a participant?  If so, it begs the question of why this would replace a neatly compact and heavily fortified smartphone.  What sets your product apart from those?  What is the end benefit of your product?  I’ve watched and read about the item several times to try and determine exactly what it does but it’s very unclear.  That being said, you have idea and have presented it with good enthusiasm and mediocre marketing, but have still not explained exactly what it is it does and what the benefit is to the consumer.

**Please do not take this comment as a negative.  I’m only providing constructive feedback, from one hacker to another.  My background is in sales & marketing so I tend to look at prototypes and presentations through that lens.  Often, hackers, makers, inventors, tech people and the like tend to get so wrapped up in what THEY think the product is that they lose focus on a proper way to market it to others.  Again, I think you’re on the right track here but far from making it a “reality” for the common consumer.  I highly recommend you define no more than 2-3 specific and short points you want the consumer to know about your product....(examples:  sports & technology on the hacking while sporting.....or.....partake in two passions while at the same time - hack and sport....).  I hope you understand!!!

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Sammy Herring wrote 02/19/2016 at 23:39 point

Thanks for getting in touch! Essentially, this prototype is designed to be a precise location data logger for use within sporting activities. It is aimed to provide data for the participant of the activity, the data may then be reviewed for any given purpose once the activity has been completed (or partially). In terms of the sizing, the next model would be far more compact, the casing would be 3D printed rather than acrylic casing which in turn caused sizing issues. Why would you lose your phone? Well, simply as a device this is far more accurate and may be used by someone who wishes to produce a custom route - perhaps for a marathon organiser. While providing additional data such as altitude or velocity. Following on from your last point, I would say 'hack and sport' upon the simple basis that it is aimed to be for a user who may wish to further extend the data logging capabilities of the device. Thanks again for opening up the lines of discussion, Sam.  Note: The Intrduction listed was an extract from the magazine style build gudie, this may offer a little reasoning as to the style  of the textual content. :-)

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