Quantity   Component name
1 × Adafruit Huzzah Adafruit's esp8266 dev platform
1 × Pololu DRV8833 Dual Motor Driver Carrier Breakout for TI's DRV8833
1 × Tamiya 70098 [universal plate set] Chassis Part 1
1 × Tamiya 70097 [twin-motor gearbox kit] Chassis Part 2
1 × Tamiya 70100 [track and wheel set] Chassis Part 3
1 × Half-Sized Breadboard
1 × 3.3V or 5V Serial Console Cable For uploading code (the Huzzah has 5V=>3V3 level shifters)
1 × Platform Materials (Acrylic Scrap, 3D Printer, Wood, etc.) You may need strapping or some other way to raise this from the chassis
2 × 18650 Li-Ion Cells Or any other battery pack that provides at least 3.5V @ 250mA