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A project log for Home Automation - Garage Door Opener

Extract best practices from existing garage door projects. Build version that suites my needs; eventually integrate into other HA efforts.

luffmanbluffmanb 03/19/2016 at 16:020 Comments

Unexpected delays this week... Got back from business trip late Monday night, only to spent the next two days playing Mr. Mom while wife suffered through a bad case of stomach flu. Two more long days of work at the office, and finally I have a moment to get back to this project...

Anyway, I need to post about the relay(s) I'm using. Back many months ago, I bought a 2-Channel 5V mechanical relay board based upon one of the garage door projects I was researching at the time. However, by the time I got back around to seriously implementing this project, further research suggested using a different solid state relay board b/c it defaults LOW rather than HIGH (like the mechanical relay did.) There are a few reasons why this might be a better solution, and I will discuss those in future logs.

Anyway, I've got one of each and will determine over time which implementation works best for my situation. A new post on each relay to follow...
