
STM32F4Discovery + ChibiOS/RT

A project log for GimbalBot

Gimbaled thrusters, aerospace-grade adhesives, carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers, and inertial measurement units. This is a space project!

zakqwyzakqwy 06/21/2014 at 21:150 Comments

It's a beautiful day here in Minneapolis, so Danica (my wonderful and extremely project-accomodating wife) and I took a bike ride to check out the near-flood-stage Mississippi:

Yup, they've opened the locks up at St Anthony Falls to let the excess water through. Wettest year on record to date. Glad I live on a hill. In any case, a great outdoor morning made me feel better about spending the afternoon putzing around with my ARM Cortex M4 discovery boards. 

I'm following these instructions to set up my development environment; I'm somewhat new to things like 'toolchains' and so forth, so it took a bit of trial and error. The PDF tutorial they linked has good instructions on building the toolchain and getting STLINK up and running. I'll try to outline my steps in detail here.

The blurry picture above doesn't look like much, but that blue LED is blinking according to the ChibiOS/RT program detailed on the Recursive Labs blog post. That's a huge hurdle crossed off the list: now that the dev environment works I can start writing code, and ChibiOS/RT has a hardware abstraction layer that will make syntax MUCH SIMPLER. 

WOOOOOOOO! Next up: Interfacing to the IMU and figuring out Kalman filtering!
