
Misty Lackie

I run a software business. I also have a passion for teaching kids coding & robotics.

San Luis Obispo, CA
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This user joined on 05/11/2019.

Things I've Built

Build a Retro Arcade System (Raspberry Pi & Electronics)

This was a club I ran for 6th to 8th graders. The students learned how to build a fully functional retro arcade system using the Raspberry Pi and other parts.

Build BattleBots (Adruino & Robotics)

This is a club I ran at Trivium Charter School for 5th to 8th graders. Students learned how to build BattleBots using the Adruino and other parts

Christmas Tree Circuit Ornament (Circuits & Electronics)

This was a project done at in a K-1 class as a fun way to learn about circuits & electronics. The students learned how to build a parallel circuit using a battery, conductive copper tape and LEDs.

Make a Bubble Blowing Machine (Simple Machines)

This was a project done in a K-1 class as a fun way to learn about simple machines (wheels & axle). The students learned how to build a fully functional bubble blowing machine.

Make a Tin Robot (Magnetism & Circuits)

This is a project done in a K-1 class as a fun way to learn about magnetism & electronics. The kids learned how to wire up their tin bot to a motor and battery in order to make it move.

Make Bug Bots (Intro To Circuits)

This was a project done in a K-1 class to introduce students to circuits. I taught the kids how to build mini bug bots using toothbrush heads, vibrating motors, cell coin battery and other parts

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