Quantity   Component name
1 × mini-ITX motherboard, CPU, RAM You can use any mini-ITX board, Recommend the latest Intel chipset and low profile CPU cooler.
1 × PCI-e graphics card Any card less than 7" long, I used a GTX 960 4GB SC EVGA which is 6.8" long
1 × SFX power supply SFX power supplies are much smaller than ATX, I would recommend a modular one. Corsair and Silverstone make them in 450W versions.
1 × Raspberry Pi and Adafruit PiTFT plus 3.5" I didn't accommodate for the screen in the file for the front. I used a dremel make room for it.
1 × M3 brass threaded inserts I ordered these from McMaster Carr, no flange, ferruled and tapered outside that's 4mm or 5/16" drillout.
1 × M3x12 cap bolts black preferably
1 × 1/8" black transparent acrylic sheet I got a bronze color, it's enough you can hide the components until you turn on an LED.
1 × 2.5" HDD's or SSD's I just velcro'd them to the inside of the case near the top.
1 × 2KG of ABS filament It's a large 3D printed file, you'll have a few mess-ups. Have plenty of filament handy.
1 × Sandpaper, spotting putty, primer, and paints. I used Apple Red rustoleum for the top coat, cream colored acrylic paints for the white parts, brown and black acrylic washes, and irom paint for the rust.