Quantity   Component name
1 × Arduino ATMEGA2560 This component will have the main function of read the 6 sensors and make the moviment controlling the 3 step motors. It will receive the commans from the ESP32 CAM, using a infrared receiver.
1 × ESP32 CAM This component will have the main function to connect to AWS and send the JPG image got from the game card. It will to subscribe to AWS IoT core. After the image been processed on Amazon or got a Alexa command invoke, will transmite by infrared the command do ATMEGA 2560.
4 × 28BYJ-48 + DRIVER This component will drive the Step motor.
1 × KY-022 (Remote Control and Infrared Receiver) This component (on ATMEGA) will receive the INFRARED command send by ESP32 CAM
1 × Ky-005 This componente (on ESP32 CAM) will transmit an infrared command to ATMEGA
9 × Tcrt5000 This component will detect the position of Robot and if the instruction card is near the to take the picture
4 × Omnidireccionals Wheels Allow to move the robots to south, west, lest and north. https://pl.aliexpress.com/item/1005005426984448.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.69.44da7a56MoPhdo&algo_pvid=55ec1343-c7f9-44a2-8cd8-712375221c11&aem_p4p_detail=202304100816495237873858263610008365016&algo_exp_id=55ec1343-c7f9-44a2-8cd8-712375221c11-34&pdp_npi=3%40dis%21PLN%21188.57%21164.06%21%21%21%21%21%40211beca116811398093813507d0763%2112000033022753250%21sea%21PL%216349437&curPageLogUid=ZCS0uToRc4MW&ad_pvid=202304100816495237873858263610008365016_7&ad_pvid=202304100816495237873858263610008365016_7