
Ultra minimalistic 1-bit cpu made from npn transistors and resistors. It requires an external program counter, registers, and clock. Inspired by MC14500.

Total Transistor count: 5
I/O pins:
In, Data, Out(not in pcb, led), Jump, Ins

Instruction set

0 - NOP, No operation

1 - NADJZ, Nand In and Data, jump if zero

Rev 1.1

I'm planning to make a second version of the CPU. It would have registers, which Rev 1.0 lacks. 


Nano-OS is a simple operating system made for the Nano1. It's a terminal-based OS designed to run on a microcontroller. The OS uses the microcontroller as memory and the Nano1 as a calculation core. For more details, check out the GitHub repository.