• Beauty of creation against Ugliness of time

    11/16/2016 at 11:05 0 comments

    I remember from my childhood age how I was being impressed with sewing machine and calculator, but due to some restriction not got the chance to pursuit my academic courses in Robotic science, however in the last year of my graduate program have chance to join with couple of talented enthusiast people and participated in national student competition in Arial robotic field. Although attempt to pursuit in Arial robotic field was unsuccessful but in bright side led us to find the great value of open source communities

    Finally after 9 years in general aviation & oil - gas industries, I’ve decided to follow my dream in robotic field. I can’t express how I was excited to lunch my first simple projects with Arduino modules and fortunately this joy in on and on every day playing with new thread to making new smart things . Thanks to IOT and low price wifi enable module I can now connect many device together and make smart systems.