• Week 14 - Final Progress and View

    Ah Cheng05/10/2019 at 06:12 0 comments

    After finish the internal control, now have to design and repair the exterior to have a deep impression for people, the following is initial appearance, this is done by using the recycle cardboard to do it, so I have to find a way to make it nicely.

    -The side view of the initial appearance。

    So far the appearance is cover by using a mounting board, it is more nice to look compared by the first appearance, 

    -The view of finishing of appearance.

    The next design is to setup the sound sensor, it have to cover or make it like a microphone to send the message, so I use the table lamp to be my microphone because the lamp head got a little bit similar like the things to send a message by use the mouth.

    -look at detail the sound sensor is fixed on the middle hole to easy let the people say somethings and receive message.

    Overall the design of the view is done and the lighting is still ok, but still not enough of appearance, look too casual and not impressed for people.

    - 3 view of the overall design.

    The following is show I use the very big cardboard to make a fake wall to cover all the box because I don't want to show the things that should not show in out side.

    -The view of overall the cardboard.

    The front view I have add on the frame style like Wayang kulit that done by laser cut, and the tracing paper of the screen I just bring forward, the top I just laser cut out the title of my project to stick on it.

    -Front view.

    For the part of sound sensor, I have hanging the noted to let the people know that is the way can say something to send the message, but need to speak laud.

    -Zoom in to the sound sensor  and noted view.

    If remove the cardboard, we can see properly and inside of overall design, after this have to check the light and system is work normally.

    -Inside view of project.

    The project have done, but what I feel it is still not enough for me, but still can add on and improve somethings, like make more action for the figure, use more material of the effectiveness of projects, and also add more design of the view for projects not only the surface, but overall the things. Finally also thank for the lecturer that teaching and helping for this projects, especially the coding part, and also I have learn many things from the whole process of this projects, how to solve the problems and how to make a best design of the projects, learn more and think more is a very important, thank for reading.

  • Week 13 - Final view and Design

    Ah Cheng05/07/2019 at 20:30 0 comments

    When during the operation, the Arduino Nano has burn by no reason, this maybe happened suddenly, but does not  affect to the all projects, but have to find the new Arduino for replace, lucky change to Arduino Uno to continue.

    -The Arduino Nano has be burning.

    -Arduino UNO to replace.

    -Fixing the Arduino and L298N in the box.

    -After change to Arduino UNO have to add on the L298N again to avoid the Arduino burn again.

    -After confirm all the things is working normally, then can do the design part for overall view.

    -Need to build one box to connect with main box because the lighting must make sure can illuminate the figure, and also cant not just left it their with entry space.

    -So far the projects has wasted a lot wire and some material but the budget has no more then RM50, their also have many failed goods to testing and do this projects.

  • Week 12 - Progress and testing

    Ah Cheng05/07/2019 at 19:35 0 comments

    Continue with week 11, now is during testing of the lighting and the sound sensor. The lighting is ok for illuminate, but the distance also will influences the clearer of shadow, so the lighting move on far a bit is battle and clear to see the shadow, compare with the first the lighting too near will make the light more clearer then shadow,

    -Front view of the box.

    -on the left middle is the hole for the sound sensor 

    -The sound sensor has no problems after done the many testing of connecting.

    -At first sound sensor have experiment to try switch on the LED light, so that mean sound sensor has no abnormal.

    -The final view for this sound sensor will be embellish.

    -Overall the box also will be embellish nicely.

  • Week 11- Progress and Operation

    Ah Cheng05/07/2019 at 19:14 0 comments

    Figure shape no.2, after done and check the main figure shape, can just direct to crate the other one, so other side is just a normally the little action of the mouth, so is no any problems for this part .

    The detail view of figure No.2.

    The view of two figure in side the box.

    -The box at first is horizon, but consider the size of the figure then have to rotate it.

    -Inside the box has no need add too much things at list the shadow of figure can see clearer of the outside screen.

    -The wire has distribution nicely with color, and stick together, if just left it will very messy and maybe can see some wire on the outside screen.

    -the figure has to fix very stable because maybe it will fall down when the arduino is running.

  • Week 10- Process and experiment

    Ah Cheng05/07/2019 at 18:32 0 comments

    Continue with week 9, the figure is getting improve compare to the first design and experiment, the first design is using 3 layer of figure shape, because the layer is have to use for strut the servo motor and knife, also because due of limited space of figure shape. First try of  figure show on screen the shadow cant clearly see the knife, and the figure shape also blue, so have to think more to solve this problems, finally has fix it at the following the picture is show the improve after the first experiment, simple and make good use of space by using one layer of figure shape.

    The little problems:

    the servo motor that push forward the knife sometimes is hard to push out, sometimes will run of space, also sometimes the servo motor is not moving and shock, lucky this problems has no longer and already solve it.

    The coding part for Arduino:

    the coding has no much changers and it is working normally。

  • Week 9- Process

    Ah Cheng05/07/2019 at 17:29 0 comments

    The Arduino is work with out L298N red board, because so far all the things is very normal work only can do it, and also doesn't use dc motor any more.

    Next is design of the boxes that need to show out the shadow of figure, so the box is use bigger one and cut out the square hole back side and front side,and the front side is stick with tracing paper to be a screen that show the shadow, back side is  erect one light bulb tube  and the light bulb is using 1200l so the power of light is very high.

    The following is showing the shadow when the light bulb is on, can clearly to see the shadow but have a layer of the side, and also the servo motor on the mouth is obvious, so this maybe need to find the way or idea to solve it.

  • Week 8 - Process & Problems

    Ah Cheng03/13/2019 at 13:30 0 comments

    The process is well, but the internal structure has a lot of problems, the organ of knife is using concept of whitworth quick return mechanism. Except this, also have to make sure the knife is move smoothly when control by servo motor, for the first maker it has using 3 layer of figure to stable the motor servo with knife and mouth, also the knife with auxiliary, and the shadow of figure must see it clearly when show in the screen.

    The Problems:

    -The knife is too longer to show out on the figure, so it have mo make it short and make sure other organ working normally.

    -The shadow of 3 layer by figure is not very clearly to see, because their have 3 layer the on the shadow it also show 3 layer on the screen, it look like hazy.

    -the figure is using cardboard box to made it so the durability is not longer.

    The Arduino Nano part:

    -So far the coding has no much problems, testing of sound sensor, servo motor, and DC motor.

    Sound sensor coding:

    DC motor & servo motor coding:

  • Week 7 - Decision Idea & Process

    Ah Cheng03/13/2019 at 13:30 0 comments

    Before start the work process, have to confirm all the things should work, where should stick the motor, or what are the material can sue to create it.

    -Start from doing the figure out first, try how the figure will work when control by DC motor and servo motor, the following is some work in progress that using laser cut to cut the figure, use different size of figure to experiment the project.

  • Week 6 - Idea design prepare

    Ah Cheng03/13/2019 at 13:30 0 comments

    Continue with a week 5, start to sketch out the design for the project, before start to build the real things, these have to think how the idea can work, function, process, result from start to end of idea work, exterior, and also I have to make some experiment to make sure the idea can work.

    1. Design exterior

    -the exterior is have to measuring approximate length, and also how it's actually looks like, basically is on the box to represent it, inside have lights to illuminate the shadow of the figure, same as the concept like "Wayang Kulit."

    2. How it's work

    -to sum up how to Inadvertently hurt peoplecarry out the function of the projects, arduino have to use 1 sound sensor, 1 DC motor,  some servo motor only. Sound sensor is use for the volume of the sound, it also connect to the DC motor and servo motor, because after makes a specified  volume, all the motor will automatic start to work until repeat all the process.

    3. Why volume?

    - to show out the "sharp of mouth" is not only used some bad word to represent it, the sound volume also can represent the "sharp of mouth" because when we angry and blame some people, the sound tone express the angry people easy inadvertently hurt people.

  • Week 5 - Idea Experience

    Ah Cheng03/13/2019 at 13:29 0 comments

    Compare with the week 4 concept, these have to refine a lot the idea and operation for the concept, what  these need is how can let people experience the terror of 'word of mouth’?

    so I analysis the keyword with logic, then I find out the 'word of  mouth' can be very painful  and dangerous. 

    Concept Sketch:

    -Knife can represent the the mouth  because the bad word that speak out from mouth is sharp, so we call it shark mouth, it can hurt somebody hearth, sometimes will make them sad or cry.

    The Idea:

    Detail blueprint: